Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Little Miss Do-It-Yourself

Little Miss, you have decided that you are going to do everything yourself!

You love to try to put your shoes and socks on yourself, even though it never works. Whenever you see your hats you say “at” and pat your head. You are learning so much!!

You love your hair bows, but only if they are on a headband. If I try to clip them into what little hair you have you pull them off and say “uh-oh”- stinker! You have even started to try to put your clothes on, and surprisingly you know the difference between shorts and shirts.

I have been so bad about keeping up with this blog. I promise that I am going to do much better. You are changing and growing so much, and I don’t want to forget any of it!

You love to go to the park at the school by our house. You go head-first down the slides, and you love it. It made me nervous at first, but you don’t keep your feet up if you go feet first, so I think this might actually be a bit safer.. we’ll see. You love to bounce on the bridge, and are starting to try to walk across it yourself. I am so afraid that you are going to fall off or fall and hit one of the metal bars. You would stay at the park all day if I let you. You love the swings and the slides and anything that moves :)

You also adore seeing airplanes, birds, and dogs. When you hear an airplane you stop and point to it and watch it until it is out of sight- so cute! If we are inside you stop and go “vrroooom!” I love watching your personality develop. You are completely obsessed with dogs. Whenever you see a dog you sign “dog” and say “dog”- even if you hear one you do the same thing. You have even noticed a few on TV! I told Daddy that we need to get you one for Christmas but he isn’t buying it. Here are some pictures from today! It’s been chilly in the mornings and HOT in the afternoons, so you have been wearing 2+ outfits per day.

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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Daddy’s Helper

Daddy went outside to wash the car today and you wanted to join him. You were such a great helper! I am pretty sure that you spilled most of the soap and water out, but you were so happy and so proud of yourself!!

I love how you are always wanting to help- that quality will do you well later on.

Andrew Lynch, who lives right next door, came over to say hi to you. He is just finishing up Kindergarten and is completely enamored with you. He loves to play with you and bring you toys. You really like him too! You tried to follow him back into his house when he went inside!

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Teething and sickness :(

You just feel miserable :(

You have been teething since the end of October, and this morning when you woke up I went to get you and you threw up all over me. It was fantastic.. I think that it was just from all of your nasal dranage- you’ve had a cold for a few days now.

You just don’t feel well at all. You have one tooth coming in, and you are NOT a good teether at all. You just want to be with me all day. You want me to hold you and never ever put you down. I’m trying to remind myself to cherish this time, but it’s hard sometimes!

I hope you feel better soon sweetie!

On a positive note, you did find your shadow yesterday! It was so fun watching your amazement, and how you would play with it! Daddy thought it was pretty hilarious too.


You also really like the tile. You will roll over to it and then lick it. Grandma Culp is disgusted by it, but I think it is pretty funny!


(Giving the tile a nice kiss)

Finally, you also learned how to play “peek a boo” with your shirt. You kept looking down your shirt and back up. It entertained you for a good ten minutes!


Love you always!

Love, Mama

Friday, November 2, 2012

A walk in the park

Daddy and I decided to take you down to the park today that is just South of our house- Heritage Park. We hadn’t taken you there before, and the weather was just perfect so we thought we would go!

There were lots of people there having family pictures taken, and we were able to get a picture taken of the three of us!

Hopefully when you are older we will be able to go more often, and you can play on the playground there.

You also got your first experience with leaves today! You just wanted to eat them- which made the photo ops not that great. You got quite a few in your mouth- ugh.

Here are some of the pictures we took. It was so nice to get outside! You have quite the facial expressions Noelle!

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Love you always!

Love, Mama

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

I’m going to admit that I am way behind on posting these, but I am going to do my best to get caught up before I get so behind that I quit. :)

You had a really good time for your first Halloween. We ended up going up to Parkville to spend Halloween with Todd, Steph, and the twins. Jack and Sheryl came up and also brought your Great-Grandma Culp! I was so glad that you were able to see her again. She’s 88 years old, and I want you get spend as much time with her as possible.

During Halloween Day you wore the cutest pumpkin shirt with an orange tutu. I bought the shirt for you last year before you were even born, right after Halloween so it was super cheap. I was worried it wasn’t going to fit you, but it did! :)

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You looked absolutely adorable. You loved playing with the tulle on your tutu. You sucked on it until it was literally dripping wet with spit- yummy.

Grandma and Grandpa Culp sent you a little puppy for a Halloween gift. We named her Lucy, and you love her. (Especially her tag. You love love LOVE to suck on Lucy’s tag)

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We went trick or treating with Todd and Steph Douma and the twins. I can’t wait until you are actually old enough to play with them. It will be so much fun! You didn’t get the concept of trick or treating obviously, but it was still nice to get out with family and walk around. I loved seeing all the costumes. Overall we had a great time! Great Uncle Jack even played with you for a long time!!

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Love you always sweet baby!

Love, Mama

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The First Grandchild…

Miss Noelle Marie, you are the first grandchild on both sides of the family. Grandma and Grandpa Culp are trying to see you each month for the first year of your life. :) They came down this weekend to see you. We had a LOT of fun!

We (unsuccessfully) cheered for the Cyclones against Oklahoma State. You already know who to cheer for!

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We also went to the OP Arboretum. It was an absolutely beautiful day, and the weather was perfect to be outside. You tried to eat all of the flowers!

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Spending some time with Grandpa Culp!

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This is your new “ugly face” you breathe in and out really loudly through your nose as you make this face. You think you are so funny.

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Cheering on the Cyclones!!

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You liked sitting in the little wooden tree stump chairs. You really wanted to take your socks off and eat the chair… oh well!

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dear Naughty Baby…

Dear Naughty Baby,

Please sleep. Mama is exhausted, and so are you. This waking up every 1.5-2 hours around the clock thing has got to stop. You aren’t getting enough sleep, I’m not getting enough sleep, and it is making me very cranky. I don’t want to be a cranky mama.

Thank you!

Love, Mama.